Best of MMmusing: Interactive Table of Contents

Enter keywords into the search box below to find posts by subject. Suggested Keywords: aesthetics, amateur, analysis, animation, arranging, atonality, bach, barber, beethoven, best, birthday, canon, chopin, christmas, coding, composition, connections, fragments, fugue, fun, hatto, loops, mashup, meaning, meta, mischief, mmplaying, mozart, opera, organ, pedagogy, peterman, poetry, program notes, random, recordings, satie, scratch, songswithoutsingers, strauss, stravinsky, theory, translation, twitter, viola
Tip of the Hatto: Debut post, explores the fascinating story of pianist Joyce Hatto who became famous for recordings that turned out to be by other pianists. Explores implications for how we hear music. 2007/02/24 meaning; hatto; recordings
The Hatto Sonnets: A series of six sonnets (in "Onegin" style), retelling the story of Joyce Hatto. 2007/03/14 hatto; poetry; creativity; best
Great Moments in Stupid Headlines: More exploration of the Joyce Hatto story, particularly the idea that what "we know" about a performance greatly affects what "we hear." 2007/03/18 meaning; hatto
Hyperspace: Musings on how the hyperlinked world of the Internet might particularly appeal to creative minds. 2007/03/27 meaning; tech; connections; creativity; best
Bell Failure: 2 sonnets summarizing the notorious "Joshua Bell in the Subway" experiment. 2007/04/10 poetry; creativity; aesthetics
Too Good To Be True?: Problems with perfection. 2007/05/07 meaning; amateur
A Taste of 1825: An imaginary conversation, in which a culinary master reflects on how recordings change the way we think about music. 2007/05/19 meaning; recordings; best
Translation, Transcription, Transimpson: How does a work retain its identity when transferred to another medium? With Stravinsky transformed into Simpsons form! 2007/07/31 translation
Transcription as a Metaphor for Listening: In short: when we're listening, we're transcribing. 2007/08/12 translation; recordings
Tradition!: Thoughts on performance traditions which, in spite of distortions, have much to offer. 2007/11/12 meaning; aesthetics
Saving the best for first: A classical problem: when the best part comes first, is the rest a letdown? (not really answered!) 2007/11/19 aesthetics
Classical Vanity: License Plates Inspired by Classical Music 2007/11/22 fun
The Metamorphoses of Don Juan: An unexpected link between early and late Strauss works. 2007/12/01 connections; strauss
The 12 Composers of Christmas: The classic song re-imagined with 12 composers and their music joining in. 2007/12/11 mashup; pedagogy; fun; christmas
The Best Christmas Party Music Ever: Chamber music in its natural environment. 2007/12/23 amateur; christmas
An Old Viola Joke: Fun little personal jab hidden in Britten's Albert Herring 2008/01/28 fun; viola
the kind of infectious it's good to spread around: In praise of A Mighty Wind 2008/02/13 fun
Warhorse Wordsmithing: Program notes for Fauré's Requiem and Dvořák's 'New World' Symphony 2008/02/22 pedagogy; program notes
Strange Loop: A Tchaikovsky sequence looped so that it never ends, mixed with an ever-rising staircase. 2008/02/28 loops; mischief; scorimation; Bach
Canon Loop: Bach's infinitely rising canon, recorded with infinitely rising "Shepard Tone" technique. 2008/03/02 loops; animation; Bach; canon; Hofstadter
Retro Loop: Bach's "crab" canon, animated with crabs. 2008/03/25 loops; animation; Bach; canon
Ambigramania: An original ambigram of Bach's name, turned into an animation in which the ambigram takes shape along with a Bach canon. 2008/04/13 Bach; canon; creativity; loops; best
Carrousel perpétuel: The score of Poulenc's most famous work is wrapped around a carousel. 2008/04/27 loops; ; mmplaying
The Doctor in Spite of Himself: A blog devoted to my performing edition of Gounod's comic opera, including links to six "Doctor Karaoke" singalong videos. 2008/08/07 animation; translation; creativity; opera
Webern in Mayberry: A video illustration of how comfortably atonal music fits into a lighthearted 60's sitcom. 2008/11/24 atonality
Le sacre du Peterman: Stravinsky's most iconic work, imagined as a page in the J. Peterman catalog. 2008/12/08 Stravinsky; fun
For that special masochist in your life...: Schubert's iconic Erlkönig becomes the subject of a J. Peterman ad. 2008/12/09 fun; best
The Rite of Appalachian Spring: One of my first really successful mashups, exploring influence of Stravinsky on Copland. 2008/12/11 stravinsky; best; mashup; connections
Canon a 2 Tempi (Take Two): Maria Callas and Renee Fleming square off in a Puccini Showdown. 2009/03/06 mashup; mischief; animation; canon
Piano Hero Reflections: Musings on an innovative series of noontime "sightreading" recitals. 2009/03/12 fun; amateur; mmplaying
Twynopses: A large collection of original, Twitter-sized #operaplot summaries from the legendary online contest. 2009/04/27 twitter; program notes; opera
Magical Music: Description of an experiment in having a class create an original opera scene in the style of a historical model. 2009/05/15 pedagogy; creativity; opera
Meta-music: Thoughts on transcribing Stravinsky for piano. Do we end up hearing more than a piano? 2009/06/05 connections; stravinsky; translation; aesthetics
The Seinfeld Sonnets: Seven episodes of Seinfeld retold in sonnet form. 2009/10/14 poetry; fun
Chopin's Funeral March (with ghosts!): A surprisingly successful mashup of the final two movements of Chopin's Funeral March Sonata. 2009/11/01 animation; best; mashup; chopin
The Joy of (looking at) Music: An experiment in projecting an annotated score of the 1812 Overture for a live audience. They loved it! 2009/11/14 animation; aesthetics
Name That Bassoon: An odd juxtaposition of two very different works, by Copland and Mendelssohn, with strikingly similar passages. 2009/11/18 connections; animation; mashup
Illuminating Ornamentation: Description (and audio/video) of a collaboration with an artist who "decorated" scores in ways I then interpreted in performance. 2009/12/01 mashup; creativity
Testing with the Stars: Comical (?) puns and other suggestions from composers which originally appeared on music history exams. 2009/12/10 fun; pedagogy
Reflections on a 2-part Invention: An audio/video "re-enactment" of a remarkable experiment in having two completley different works played simultaneously. 2010/02/18 mashup; best; random which Winnie the Pooh inspires Twitter-like program notes: An experiment in micro-program-notes. Each work in a long program described in 140 characters or less. Also features rhyming program notes. 2010/03/02 program notes; twitter; poetry
Why Twitter exists...: Remembering the great #composerfilm meme. Does "Batman and Scriabin" arouse your interest? 2010/04/13 twitter; fun; creativity
Should there be a "Free the Movements" Movement?: An argument for not always playing the whole thing. 2010/11/22 fragments;
Bach Doubled: Showing how two closely connected Bach movements can be played simultaneously. 2010/11/29 Bach; mashup; animation; connections
Sleigh Ride in a Fast Machine: A fun mashup of classics by Adams and Anderson. 2010/12/08 mashup; fun; mischief; christmas
Sax and Violence: Inspired by the "saxophone craze" in classical music, a disco-style rendition of Brahms, with mixed meter. 2011/03/27 translation; mischief; mashup
Good Friday Bach: An experiment in using YouTube annotations to show musical analysis. 2011/04/22 bach; animation; pedagogy
Und singen Halleluja!: An exploration of how Bach's musical techniques reinforce the theological content in his amazing Cantata No. 4. 2011/04/24 bach; meaning; best
Meta-unpredictability: How Stravinsky can you "surprise" you when you know what's coming. 2011/04/26 stravinsky; random
Multimedia Moonlight March Madness Mashup: A very odd mashup of works by Stravinsky and Schoenberg. 2011/06/04 stravinsky; mashup; mischief; animation
Somewhere between Beethoven and Strauss: Looking at how passages from Beethoven and Strauss can be combined to create some Bernstein. 2011/06/08 Beethoven; Strauss; mashup; connections; animation
Mozart Mashup Medley: Weaving back and forth among three different Mozart violin concertos. 2011/06/10 Mozart; mashup; connections; animation; best
Atonality on Ice: Comparing the brutal worlds of ice hockey and atonal music. One of my favorite essays. 2011/06/23 atonality; sports; best; aesthetics
My Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring: A mashup of Bach's famous triplets with a different hymn and a different meter. 2011/08/09/ bach; mashup; mmplaying
Musical Storyboards: Condensing recordings to help reveal large-scale musical structures. 2011/09/27 theory; fragments
Fun with the First Figaro Finale: First in a series of online, integrated listening guides featuring analysis, score, and video. 2011/10/18 Mozart; pedagogy; theory; opera
Beethoven - more ahead of his time than you thought!: A "fake" musicological discovery about proto-Stravinsky hiding out in a Beethoven manuscript. 2011/10/25 mashup; mischief; beethoven; stravinsky; connections
Eroica Mix'n'Match: Demo for an integrated, online listening guide for Beethoven's most revolutionary symphony. 2011/10/21 pedagogy; Beethoven; theory
The Rite Stuff: Big set of links to all things Rite of Spring. 2012/02/26 Stravinsky; meta
Ballade Blogging: A series of seven posts inspired by a week spent re-learning a Chopin ballade. Some of my favorite bits of writing. 2012/03/09 chopin; best; aesthetics; meaning
Child's Play: A children's story, told in sonnets, about a young violinist with performance anxiety. 2012/04/06 poetry
Now just a minute...: What does the "Minute" Waltz sound like played in a minute? 2012/07/05 chopin; fun; mischief; animation
Dances with words: Creative reflections on re-reading Douglas Hofstadter's Le ton beau de Marot. 2012/07/08 creativity
Happy Augmented Sixth Day!: Realization that Aug 6 is the day to celebrate the wonder of Augmented 6th chords. 2012/08/06 pedagogy; theory
Gateway to Insanity: Successfully (?) creating sonnets within Twitter's 140-character limit. 2012/08/22 poetry; twitter
MMrecital - the Program Booklet: An innovative program booklet in quasi-comic book style. 2012/09/14 program notes; mmplaying
Willkommen, Bienvenue...: Original cabaret lyrics about: 1) cabarets and 2) historically informed performance. 2012/10/01 poetry; creativity
A Splendid Sunrise: How harmony and orchestration can transform a D Major scale into something magical. 2012/10/09 theory; animation
Mr. Stravinsky's Random Accent Generator 2.0 - Now With More Random!: An experiment in randomizing Stravinsky's iconic sycnopations. Does it sound more surprising? 2012/10/18 stravinsky; random; coding
Imitation as Inspired Improve-ization: The power of imperfect imitations. 2013/08/25 translation; aesthetics
Fragmented Thoughts on Fragments: How it is that fragments can be satisfyingly complete. 2013/09/07 sports; fragments; aesthetics
Recital Revisited I: Moonlight Mashup: Live video of the "Moonlight" Sonata and Clair de lune played simultaneously. 2013/10/09 Beethoven; mashup; mischief; best
Using MMmusing: A guide to various MMmusing resources, especially for use in the classroom. 2013/11/07 pedagogy
Shostakovich 5: Mashed-up Memories: Daughter's youth orchestra performance brings up lots of memories - and makes a strange Shostakovich/Vaughan Williams connection. 2013/11/24 mashup; amateur; connections; memory
The Good, The Shred, and The Ugly: A distinctively viola-esque mashup of a Bach prelude and "Pop, Goes the Weasel." 2014/04/04 fun; viola; mashup; mischief; Bach; mmplaying
Satierical Gymnasium: Satie's most famous piece, randomized in various ways as an exploration of its timeless qualities. 2014/05/01 satie; random; fragments; coding; scratch
Twelve Little Notes: A 12-tone matrix generator which can play back rows and their transformations in counterpoint. 2014/05/01 atonality; random; coding; scratch
Serial Satie (Gymnopédie No. 12): A program which converts 12-tone rows (original or randomly generated) into variations on Satie's most famous piece. 2014/05/28 satie; atonality; random; mashup; coding; best; scratch
12-Step Program: Describing an experiment in composing accessible (?) 12-tone music. 2014/10/27 atonality; composition
Music + Music = Music: Musing about mashups, with discussion of my own mashup ("The Luigi Rag") of music associated with two different Luigis. 2014/11/05 mashup; composition; fun; mmplaying
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Dodecaphony: Extending the 12-tone composition experiment with a new, lighthearted scherzo for string quartet. 2014/11/08 atonality; composition
Season's Greetings in C: Converting the idea behind Terry Riley's iconic "In C" into a new mashup of seasonal tunes. 2014/11/22 christmas; mashup; random; fun; composition
What lurks under the sea of my mind?: Strange combination of two popular songs from the 80's. 2014/12/10 mashup; fun
Louange a l'éclat de Messiaen: "Happy Birthday" in the style of the great French composer. 2014/12/10 mashup; birthday; mmplaying
The Rite of "Spring Sonata": Mixing two famous works of spring. 2014/12/16 stravinsky; beethoven; mischief; mashup
Sleigh Ride in 7/8 Time (The 12 Musings of Christmas #7): MM performing John Eidsvoog's brilliant take on a Leroy Anderson classic. 2014/12/19 christmas; mmplaying
Notes on a Recital: Program notes for a trio performance of works by Beethoven, Ravel, and Brahms 2015/06/03 program notes
MM's Musical Manipulatives: Newly designed interactive pages which synchronize score, audio/video, and analysis. 2015/09/08 best; coding; pedagogy; beethoven; mozart; brahms; mendelssohn
Adding Words to Wordless Music: Examing some ways in which instrumental music has been vocalized, for better or for worse. 2015/09/25 KEYWORDS
Founts of Inspiration: New chorale prelude based on an old hymn tune. 2015/09/29 composition; mmplaying; organ
Pugilistic Pianism: A Flintstones joke inspires a marriage of Rocky and Rachy. 2015/10/03 mashup; fun; rachmaninoff
Turning the page...: Blow-by-blow description of top level professionals fighting with paper. 2015/10/09 fun
What if the great composers wrote the music for the closing credits of '80's TV shows? Part I.: First of a three-part (!) series. 2015/11/17 fun; dvorak; beethoven; franck
Fugue in Royal David's City: Newly composed chorale prelude based on a classic Christmas carol. 2015/12/17 composition; christmas; fugue; mmplaying
MMerry Christmas: Lots of links to Christmas creations past. 2015/23/15 christmas; meta
Rhythmic Mediation at the Border: Bringing two countries together with a mashup of national anthems. 2016/08/16 mashup
Triangulated Counterpoint: Bringing two tunes together with the help of a third contrapuntal line. 2016/08/17 mashup
Sundays at the Improv: Experiments in making things up in church. 2016/09/04 composition; mashup; mmplaying; organ
This just popped up: A program which plays Bach interactively while popping (virtual) popcorn. 2016/09/27 animation; Bach; fugue; coding; fun; scratch
10 Years: To celebrate 10 years of blogging, a newly composed opera aria for President Trump's beleaguered press secretary. 2017/02/24 composition; fun; trump
Looking Bach: Celebrating Bach's birthday with a big set of links to Bach posts here on the blog. 2017/03/21 Bach; birthday; meta
A Little Birthday Music: Celebrating Sondheim's birthday in subdued fashion. 2017/03/22 mashup; birthday
Punspiration: The idea of a Bach Street Boys boy band inspires a new Bachian allemande. 2017/06/11 mashup; Bach
Switched-on Barber: Demo of an animated Samuel Barber playing his violin concerto - on the guitar. 2017/11/30 animation; coding; Barber
Re-inventing Bach: Various permutations of a famous Bach invention. 2018/01/20 Bach
The Princess and the Fugue: A new fugue based on a theme from Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. 2018/01/20 composition; fugue; best; mmplaying
Fuguing up to Boston: A new fugue which, sadly, failed to spur the Patriots on to victory. But it's a good fugue! 2018/02/02 composition; fugue; best; organ
Oh no, I'm a hocket man: A newly composed little duet which uses the hocket technique to bring two quarreling lovers together. 2018/02/14 composition
Learning curves: All about an impossibly beautiful Ravel slur. 2018/03/08
A Fugue for Strings: The fugue from Barber's Piano Sonata arranged for string orchestra. 2018/03/13 Barber; fugue; animation
Barber Guitar Concerto: A full realization of the finale of Barber's Violin Concerto arranged for electric guitar. 2018/03/16 Barber; animation; best
Suggestions d'anniversaire: Happy Birthday homages for Ravel and Prokofiev 2018/04/14 birthday; homage; mashup; mmplaying
Fugue State: The conclusion of an 11-part series of summer fugues. 2018/08/24 composition; fugue; mmplaying
Surprise: Haydn's most famous symphony, fitted out with some legit surprises. 2019/02/10 random; fun
Cut that out!: Exploring the problem of making cuts in concerto performances - with some unusual solutions in the Bruch concerto. 2019/02/22 fun
Bach to the future!: Futuristic accompaniment added to an unaccompanied violin prelude. 2019/03/19 bach; composition
There are no accidents - just accidentals!: Simple hymn tune harmonized with excessive chromaticism. 2019/05/16 composition; hymn
Impossible Piece = Impossible Peace?: Densely chromatic Schoenberg slowed way down....and sped way up. 2019/05/19
Hindemirth Day: Another Happy Birthday homage. 2019/11/19 mashup
Searching for gold: Beethoven and the Golden Ratio. 2020/02/07 analysis; Fibonacci; math
Thirteen: New short piano piece based on the Fibonacci Sequence. 2020/02/24 composition; math
Notes that float: MM live performance of a Bach Allemande . 2020/02/29 mmplaying
I'll be Bach: Beginning of 11-day Bach birthday blog-a-thon, featuring new score for my newly added left hand to a Bach preludio. 2020/03/21 composition; bach
Bach Day #3: Bach to Bach: Inverted left-hand added to a Bach preludio to create a 2-part invention. 2020/03/23 composition; bach
Bach Day #4: Orpheus in the Underworld?: Performance of my own improvised transcription of a Bach concerto movemement for solo piano. 2020/03/24 mmplaying; bach
Bach Day #7: Bring out the canons: new THIRTY MINUTE VERSION of an 8-bar Bach canon. 2020/03/27 animation; bach; Hofstadter
Bach Day #11: Chaconne at a glance: debuting new, interactive page for listening to and viewing the Bach Chaconne. 2020/03/31 bach; analysis; score; Lilypond; coding
Skip to my loop: Linking to and reflecting on an article about this very blog. 2020/04/28 bach; meta
Signs and Music: Debuting a new Beethoven re-assembly game and reflections on connections between coding and composition. 2020/05/02 coding; scratch; fun; game
The one about the other guy having a 250th birthday year: Performance of a new-to-me fugue in 5/8 by Anton Reicha. 2020/05/25 mmplaying
Variations on Beethoven: The iconic Für Elise gets sliced and diced. 2020/11/05 fragments
Chopped!: How do you count chopsticks? 2020/11/12 meter; score
Magnificat: New setting of an old text. 2020/12/13 composition
Blue birds, wind chimes, minor sevenths, and mine craft: How a video game theme suggests a famous partsong - with bonus wind chimes! 2021/01/01 mmplaying; connections; coding; scratch; songswithoutsingers; stanford
Humming along: Chausson's beautiful song Le colibri performed as piano solo with new scrolling score. 2021/01/25 songswithoutsingers; mmplaying
Rite and Wrong: Second of two posts exploring melodic connections between Stravinsky's Rite of Spring and Queen's We are the champions. 2021/01/30 mashup; tune; mischief
Chime after Chime: Second of two posts exploring an unusual hymn tune by American composer William Albright. 2021/02/16 loops;
The Birth of Coulenc: Second of two posts exporing the idea of alternating-beat mashups, in this case combining iconic works of Couperin and Poulenc. 2021/02/24 mashups; score
MMmusing Virtual Recital: A 45-minute piano "recital" of music I've blogged about, including a number of unique creations and visualizations. 2021/04/13 mmplaying
Augmented Reality: Detailed exploration of use of Augmented Sixth chords in works by Haydn, Mendelssohn, and Brahms. 2021/10/16 theory
Hats off to so many hats: An appreciation of the music of Stephen Sondheim. 2021/11/29 broadway; theater; musical theater
Parody Parade: An investigation of Ravel's La Valse as a case study in parody. 2022/02/23
15: On the fifteenth anniversary of the blog, a list of 15 distinctive posts from each of the 15 years. 2022/02/24
Epiphany Fugue 8/8: The Lasst One: The final in a series of eight new hymn fugues written for Epiphany 2022. 2022/02/27 composition
Smiles of a Sondheim Night: Finding possible inspiration for Sondheim's "Night Waltz" in the score of Bergman's Smiles of a Summer Night, the film which inspired A Little Night Music. 2022/09/13 broadway; musical theater; mashup
Some Little Knights Music: An exploration of a little-known cantata by Menotti. 2022/10/10 analysis; choral
Muppet of the Night: Elmo sings an iconic aria. 2023/11/16 fun; mischief; animation
A Canon for Kim: exploration of a new canon written for my sister-in-law. 2023/09/01 composition; fugue
Changes both major and minor: A fun if irresponsible experiment in transforming Schubert's iconic Erlkönig from major into minor. 2023/09/22 mischief; arranging
Concentric Circles: Nardini → Kreisler: Unexpected connections between two different sets of pieces, including exploration of circle progressions. 2023/11/11 theory
Sondheim Slanted Evening: Two mashups of Sondheim tunes with unexpected partners. 2023/11/30 mashup; mischief; puns
'Tis the Season: A new version of my Terry Riley inspired Christmas mashup In Season. 2023/12/21 christmas; composition; mashup
Old Faithful: new fugue based on the famous Christmas hymn Adeste fidelis. 2023/12/23 christmas; fugues; composition
Whose Fault Is It Anyway?: A new animation machine which performs the "Your Fault" scene from Sondheim's musical Into the Woods. 2024/02/03 sondheim; programming; scratch
Preluding and Fuguing: New prelude and fugue on the hymn tune Engelberg. 2024/40/05 fugues; composition
It's a rap: A mashup of an iconic Dr. Dre song with an iconic Vivaldi violin concerto - with a rap! 2024/09/06 composition; mashup; mischief
Bach to Bach: A new mashup of a folk hymn with Bach's famous Prelude in C, plus another unexpected combo of another folk hymn with another Bach prelude. 2024/09/24 mashup; composition; mmplaying
A Piece for Voices as Instruments of Peace: A simple new, chant-based setting of a famous prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. 2024/10/08 composition
The Two Gustavs (Emptying the Desk Drawer #1): Bringing together two works by famous composers named Gustav. 2024/10/10 mashup
Timeless French Timepieces: New, unusual recordings of a Messiaen motet, with long introductory exploration of a certain kind of perfect composition. 2024/10/18 mmplaying
Songs Without Singers #8 (and #7): New entry in the "Songs without Singers" series: Fauré's Lydia performed as piano solo. 2024/10/22 mmplaying
Riding the Railing (Emptying the Desk Drawer #2): A small composition for piano based on some unusual music notation designed into a staircase railing. 2024/10/24 mmplaying; composition; score; animation

See also: