After clicking green flag, click the Quick Start icon in lower left to get a randomly generated performance right away!
Before starting, shift-click the Green Flag to activate "turbo mode." Then, click the Green Flag to begin program.
Click Red Button in Upper Left to re-set.
Click pitch letters at top to create a row OR, click Blue Button to get a random row.
Once the matrix is displayed, you can: 1) Click on the row headings to hear a row played. 2) Choose rows to create a "performance."
To choose rows for the R.H. melody, click in one of the 4 upper gray squares. When a square is flashing, click on the desired row heading to assign to the square. Click the RED X to empty a square. If no square is selected, the RED X will empty all of them.
To choose rows for the L.H. accompaniment, click in one of the 4 lower gray squares and follow the same procedure. (The accompaniment uses 3 pitches per bar: 1st of each 3 on the downbeat; the 2nd & 3rd on beat 2. Thus, the accompaniment row will play twice for every statement of the melody row.)
Alternatively, click on the Green Question Mark to get a quick, random set of rows.
Once you've selected at least one row for each hand, the PLAY icon will become active; clicking it will bring you to performance mode. Or, just press P.
Press SPACE BAR to begin performance. Press again to stop/restart.
Click the sound icon in the lower right, or press V to open the volume controls. Use Up/Down arrows to adjust. Press A to adjust all three parts, or press 1-3 to adjust parts individually.
Click the Back Arrow in the lower left corner (or press B) to return to the matrix and adjust settings.
Press E to show the row as exportable pitch list (right-click to export).
Press S to save project (row, matrix and your playback settings). You can then use this dialogue to import a previously saved file.
When importing, after you've opened the previously saved file, press M to complete import process.
Press X to exit import/export and volume dialogue boxes.
This program creates an endless loop in the style of Erik Satie's Gymnopédie No. 1, using pitches derived from a 12-tone row. Note that accidentals do NOT carry through the measures.
Created by Michael Monroe.
Read more about it at:
This project is based on two previous projects:
12-tone Sandbox.